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10 Best Beaches in Devon and Cornwall

I was once asked to write an article naming the top 10 West Country beach - by which I mean Devon and Cornwall. Of course, it is impossible to make such a list but here’s what I came up with at the time. And in this glorious weather I’d like to be on any one of them…

Mid-June is traditionally a time when people really begin to think of the true summer to come and start making plans about which beaches they may visit when the sun does decide to shine in heated earnest.

Pedn Vounder: My No 1 favourite. Just thinking of its perfect rocks, sea and sand makes me want to jump in the car and drive the 160 miles it would take to reach this westerly spot. Pity it’s so distant in furthest West Penwith - and, be warned, the climb down requires you to hang on to a rope. 

Woolacombe: The antithesis to Pedn Vounder. Easy-to-reach, huge, extremely popular… But the crowds don’t go there for nothing - fabulous sand and surf, this is England’s answer to California. And you can always escape the hordes by walking along the dunes to Baggy Point.

Beer: Not the booze but the wonderful old-fashioned cobble beach under the East Devon village of that name… Think: excellent tea-shops located in wooden beach huts, clinker-built motor-boats you can hire, fishermen hauling their crab boats up on winches and local families who’ve been hanging out here for summertime decades.

St Martins Bay, Isles of Scilly: Simply the best, finest, white sand to be found anywhere in Europe. This is where the Westcountry turns into the Caribbean - the blue-green waters are so clear you can see that fine white sand 40 feet down when you are snorkelling. Remote. Beautiful. Unforgettable. 

Maceley Cove: If you adore distant, empty coves where a small horseshoe of sand is bordered by rocks and pools and a restless, crystal-clear sea, then Maceley Cove is for you. So wonderfully wild, picturesque and oddly foreign are the environs around the charming little village of East Prawle - that the area long ago ascended straight to the top of my list of favourite places.

Saunton Sands: so wide and smooth and wonderful I have even seen large Hercules aeroplanes landing here. Sou large, you can always find a quiet corner for yourself.

Porthcothan: One of the finest beaches on the North Cornish coast. Great sand and surf, with plenty of alluring rock-pools when the tide goes down. You might even recognise the place where Ross Poldark in the recent TV series forever galloped along the top of the cliffs.

Lantic Bay: Another small horseshoe of sand bordered by rocks and pools and crystal-clear sea classic… And like Maceley and so many other coves, a bit difficult to reach on foot from nearby Polruan. Which is why this one is so popular with boating beach-goers all summer long. 

Portheras Cove: Another West Penwith special. Portheras, tucked away under the Pendeen Watch Lighthouse, is a jewel among coves. A golden sand beach of near perfect proportions. A remote bit of rocky littoral that hangs in the mind like a beautiful dream. A fabulous, oceanic, ozone-filled dream…

Stoke Beach: Down in the South Hams west of Mothecombe Beach on the Erme Estuary - it’s just about all the sandy same when the tide is out and you can paddle and sunbathe in one of the most peaceful places in the region. If the tide is in, take a canoe and explore the fabulous local coast .