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The Enchanting Allure of the West Country Islands 6: Flat Holm

Flat Holm Island: A Swashbuckling Adventure in the Bristol Channel

Flat Holm Island, situated in the Bristol Channel between Somerset and Wales, offers visitors a unique blend of history and natural beauty. With powerful tides, whirlpools, and steep cliffs, this limestone island provides a thrilling journey for all who dare to explore it.

Embarking on an Adventure to Flat Holm Island

Our journey to Flat Holm began at Cardiff Bay, where the Lewis Alexander, a boat built to carry 45 passengers, awaited us. As we set sail, we faced short, steep waves that towered like 10-foot brick walls and massive currents generated by the second highest tidefall in the world. The captain of the Lewis Alexander warned us about the whirlpool that could spin our boat around, adding a sense of excitement to our adventure.

A Rich History and Home to Seagulls

Flat Holm, or Ynys Echni in Welsh, has a long history dating back to the Bronze Age. Over the centuries, the island has served as a refuge for Vikings, a home for religious hermits, and even the founding site of the Bristol Channel Mission, which later became the Mission to Seafarers. Today, Flat Holm is a Local Nature Reserve managed by the Cardiff Council as The Flat Holm Project, supported by the Flat Holm Society.

The island is also home to a large population of seagulls, including lesser black-backed and herring gulls. Visitors during the nesting season should be prepared for these protective parents to screech, yell, and even dive at intruders who venture too close to their nests.

A Swashbuckling Journey around Flat Holm Island

As we circumnavigated Flat Holm, we discovered the remains of its human history, including the 90-foot lighthouse and the giant foghorn built in 1906. The island's isolation hospital, now in ruins, served as a testament to the island's role in treating sailors suffering from infectious diseases during the 19th century.

The Flat Holm Project

The team is working to increase opportunities for birds on the island, exploring traditional crops and sustainable methods of agriculture. The project has also focused on transitioning to greener energy sources, such as wind turbines.

Ghost stories and legends of smugglers abound on Flat Holm, adding a sense of intrigue to the island's already fascinating history. Whether rowing over for a drink at the former hotel or seeking out the island's secret tunnels, there are plenty of swashbuckling tales to uncover on Flat Holm.

Our return journey to Wales was smoother than our initial crossing, leaving us with fond memories of our adventure to Flat Holm Island. To learn more about Flat Holm or to plan your own visit, head to www.flatholmisland.com.