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Exmoor Lockdown Diary 76 - Fighting Racism

International press group in Switzerland with journalists from 10 different countries

This is a day when the world - quite rightly - is raising the issue of racism and calling it out. 

In some ways it is difficult for a middle aged white male from the peaceful green acres of Britain’s rural South West to write about this topic - I have not had to deal with it either as a victim, and certainly not as a perpetrator. I do, however, know all too well there are levels of ignorance in this matter among certain sections of British rural society who have no firsthand knowledge or experience of this scourge.

I can only speak for myself and point to other articles here, repeating that this started primarily as a food and travel website. It was - and is - my intention to celebrate the whole concept of travel as a learning and enriching experience as well as the foods of the world and the people who make and enjoy those foods. 

The idea of good, sensible and sustainable travel is surely to immerse oneself as deeply as possible in the cultures and traditions of others?

The people I know, and write for, rejoice in ethnic diversity - we love meeting and talking with people from all over the planet. And the only way to do that is to treat every single person you come across with the respect you’d give to any equal. Because we are all equals. 

I’m sorry of this all sounds trite and self-righteous - but I simply cannot understand the type of person who regards themselves as being superior for any reason. And the act of believing in one’s own superiority merely because of a skin tone is probably the most outrageous, dimwitted, dangerous and incorrect standpoints there is.  

These photos show just a handful of the international press groups I’ve been lucky enough to join.

Another international press group at high altitude - from 11 different countries

There are good and bad people everywhere - but in the end we are all of one world. And what a fabulous world it is - or should be. 

In these times of pandemic we should be pulling together, not witnessing divisive strife - and certainly not being led by some politicians who use social inequality as a currency in order to gain support. 

I have been very fortunate in my travelling life to have been invited on a great many press or media trips upon which I have had the honour and pleasure to meet and make friends with enlightened journalists from all around the globe. I have learned a great deal from such people and feel more certain more than ever that universal equality is not only an aim, it is a required reality upon which the tree of human life will ultimately depend.   

Another international press group at dinner somewhere hot