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Martin Hesp

Exmoor Lockdown Diary 22 - 2 New Short Stories As Free-To-Listen Audiobooks

Exmoor Lockdown Diary 22 - 2 New Short Stories As Free-To-Listen Audiobooks

What to do in a lockdown? All my paid work has been cancelled - so i;’m the same boat as a lot of people - but the great thing about having a creative mind and a ridiculously active imagination is that you can use it to enter other worlds.

Well, I have haven’t been entering another world exactly over the past week. I thought I’d have a bash at creating some stories around the dreadful Covid-19 pandemic. Why not? It certainly has embraced us all in its rather terrifying march around the planet. And this lockdown is remarkable - none of us have ever experienced anything like it before. So I thought it might be worth trying to capture some of the mood of the day by creating a series of short stories based loosely on what it’s been like - or what it might be like for some people - during these extraordinary times.

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I hasten to add that as far as i know none of the events I have made up actually occurred in real life - but they might have done. What I can say, though, is that all the characters in my stories are fictional.

Some of you may have seen the first of the short stories which I put up in a Lockdown post the other day. Now I present two other tales and would love it if as many people as possible could find time to give them a listen. I repeat, they are free to download from iTunes or wherever it is you get your podcasts feed - or you can listen to them here.

The good thing about the podcast version is that you can download the stories to your mobile phones or whatever device you have and take them with you on your daily walk or exercise or listen to them washing up of wherever…

My podcast stream is called Adventures in Journalism and the stories can be found on iTunes. Please do subscribe - it is 100 per cent free and there are no adverts. https://podcasts.apple.com/gb/podcast/adventures-in-journalism/id1490879222

Or listen to Stories 2 and 3 right here….

Exmoor Lockdown Diary 23 - Short Video On My Walk Today

Exmoor Lockdown Diary 23 - Short Video On My Walk Today

Exmoor Lockdown Diary 21 - Flat Holm

Exmoor Lockdown Diary 21 - Flat Holm