Sarawak Coast
Typical view along the coast of Sarawak
The beaches seem to have been crowded yesterday. Today is even hotter, so I expect there’ll be more human walruses lolling on the British littoral and hopefully thoroughly enjoying themselves - which means I won’t be going anywhere near the sea. I hate crowds, especially during a pandemic.
But the thought of a very hot seaside reminded me of the time I once spent on the coast of Borneo - which is why I’ve put up a few photographs from the trips in today’s Lockdown Diary. It was incredibly hot and humid, but I loved the easy sensuous fragrance of Sarawak.
However, I didn’t jump into the sea once - it was cram full of jelly-fish.
Anyway, I haven’t tried this on the website before but you can flick through the images below in a couple of slideshow type things..