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If I Could, I Would - Go To Madeira This Weekend

The British Government continues to have Portugal on its “green-light” list of countries, UK citizens can visit without having to go into voluntary isolation once they return - so if I had the dosh and the wherewithal this weekend I’d definitely return to Madeira for a few days just to get out of the valley.

I loved Madeira - and keep remembering a drive took across the mountains to the vertiginous northern shore.

The main road passes through Serra de Agua and Vargem before descending down to Sao Vicente on the coast. That is as far as we got in our chauffeur driven Land Rover - I really wanted to go on west to Seixal or east to Ponte Delgada - but you can’t have everything. And at least I’ve got these photos of the journey we did take.

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