
Welcome to my food and travel website

Martin Hesp

Looking Back at Journalism on the Screen

Looking Back at Journalism on the Screen

Years ago I did quite a lot of video work alongside the stuff I was also presenting for ITV Westcountry - here are a couple of examples.

The first is a video I made to promote an early website we put together called Westcountry Walks.

It was a great idea and a great website - put together by my good friend Marc Tassell in Paris. But alas being the poor businessman that I am, I was never able to fully monetise it sufficiently. Could have done - should have done - but other things got in the way. Wasn’t it always the same with the Wreck of the Hesperus - which is how I refer to my business dealings.

This next video comes from the time when I was doing part time work as a TV presenter for ITV Westcountry - and on this occasion we were doing a series with the Western Morning News called Icons of the Westcountry…

And here’s a little video report I did which I know will interest some people of a big international bike race - the Tour of Britain - being staged in the West Country and ending up at Taunton - a Taunton full of crowds in sunshine I may add… Those were the days…

Colin White's Homage to The Young Lady Standing Two Metres in Front

Colin White's Homage to The Young Lady Standing Two Metres in Front

Over Grabbist Above Dunster

Over Grabbist Above Dunster