
Welcome to my food and travel website

Martin Hesp

Adventures in Journalism Podcast

Adventures in Journalism Podcast

The photograph above shows me with an ITV film crew on the Isles of Scilly about 12 years ago. Wish I still looked as young as that. But anyway, I put it up to show I’ve done a bit of broadcasting in my time. Quite a lot, in fact - TV, and radio.

And I thought I’d put that on the website because we are going to feature a new series of podcasts over the coming months. There will be regular updates featuring all manner of subjects. Some will be related to an old series of podcasts called Adventures in Rural Journalism which I tinkered around with while I was still working for a newspaper. It was all my own material gathered in my own time on my own equipment, but because that series was being delivered on a platform belonging to a company I no longer work for, I took it down.

I am hoping that fans of that series will find out about the new one here - it’s simply called Adventures in Journalism and each time we put one up we will tag it here on the website. I hope you enjoy them…

Touring Around Glorious Puglia

Touring Around Glorious Puglia

The First Finn File - as written by Finn the lurcher

The First Finn File - as written by Finn the lurcher