
Welcome to my food and travel website

Martin Hesp

My New Novel is Almost Finished

My New Novel is Almost Finished


Regular visitors to this site may have seen that it has slowed down a bit over the last week or two - and the reason for that is because I have been writing a novel. To be more accurate, I have become obsessed about writing the novel.

And it is very nearly finished. I have to tweak the ending and then edit the whole thing - which will take a lot of revision. No doubt about that. Those “brilliant” “inspirational” words you write one day so often look dull and turgid the next morning. 


But I am very excited about the tale. It is a love story and it is based on some of my travels. 


To help me as much as anything else, I’ve been looking through some photographs of the places which feature. Greece, northern Italy, Switzerland and Exmoor and the main zones of interest.   

At the moment the novel is just under 90,000 words in length, but having written all that I haven’t found a good title yet. And I still have to write a forward and a postscript. 

But over the next week or so I will just. About finish it, although there’ll undoubtedly be more edits after that. And then.. Who knows? Maybe I’ll never find a publisher. Or perhaps I’ll put a few excerpts upon on this site and read a few sections in a podcast or two…

Anyway, please watch this space.

And of course there’s Exmoor…

Bob Bell's Hitching Across America - Reaching Jackson Hole 1980

Bob Bell's Hitching Across America - Reaching Jackson Hole 1980

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Loving Lundy & Cooking on The Remote Atlantic Isle