
Welcome to my food and travel website

Martin Hesp

Remote Devon Beach in Winter

Remote Devon Beach in Winter

We’ve had two visits to the South Hams recently and soon we’ll be putting up several posts about two wonderful places in which to stay.

But for now I thought we’d pt up a few images and videos of one wonderful beach you can reach if you drive far enough and are then prepared to walk down a steep slope. And, of course, back up again.

The cove in question hasn’t got an actual name as far as I can make out from looking at the details maps - but if you look at the OS map for the South Hams you will find it between a place called Abraham’s Hole and Deckler’s island - which I shouldn’t think will mean much even to locals. Garra Rock will be a much more well known local landmark.

Newspaper column all about Mother's Day

Newspaper column all about Mother's Day

Nothing Normal About Norman Island

Nothing Normal About Norman Island