All tagged mystery

Newspaper column - staying on the Isle of Man in winter

A newspaper column about the unexpected beauty of the Isle of Man in winter. Discover the island's wild seas, scenic landscapes, and rich folklore. Experience the thrill of uncovering hidden gems in Britain, challenging misconceptions about familiar places. From the stormy seas of Douglas to the cultural richness of the UK, this piece inspires readers to embrace adventure close to home, revealing the Isle of Man's captivating charm beyond its famous motorbike races and tax haven reputation

Tiny Excerpt from The Lemon Tree Forest

In "The Lemon Tree Forest," a curious encounter unfolds as a young boy's fascination with medieval knights leads him to meet Sir Fred, an enigmatic old squire. Amidst the manor's grandeur, they cross paths under a glass dome, surrounded by suits of armor and ancestral portraits. The boy extends his hand in awe, asking, "Are you Sir Cricket Bat?" Sir Fred's response is unexpected: "Would you like a balloon?" He conjures a colorful orb from the shadows, leaving the child enchanted. The origin of the balloon remains a mystery, as Sir Fred never indulged in frivolous purchases.