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Martin Hesp

The Lemon Tree Forest

The Lemon Tree Forest

The Lemon Tree Forest by Martin Hesp: A Tale of Love, Loss, and Redemption

In recent days I have been working on a novel which I wrote a couple of years ago - editing it doen and generating a few images toi help me envisage how the thing looks… Here’s a brief synopsis of the book which will be available as a paperback and an ebook soon.

Climate Change and a Ruined Manor: The Start of a Journey

The Lemon Tree Forest, written by Martin Hesp, begins with Sebastian Franklin, the protagonist, sitting in an old manor house in the West Country hills, troubled by climate change. As a series of heavy storms damage his home, the most recent storm collapses a wall in the ruined west wing, triggering memories of a life-changing love affair from 40 years ago. With the aid of notes and diaries from that time, Sebastian pieces together the story of his unforgettable past.

From the Lemon Tree Forest to Exmoor National Park

The narrative unfolds with Sebastian moving into the manor, after living in a remote part of Greece known as The Lemon Tree Forest. Settling into a new life in Exmoor National Park, he meets eccentric neighbors, like the squire who owns the big house, in an attempt to forget his recent experiences abroad. The story hints at a mysterious woman at the centre of his past troubles.

Intertwining Memories and Present Life

The tale dances between two locations, as Sebastian struggles to forget the sad times but regularly succumbs to his memories, despite the colorful occurrences happening around him in the West Country hills. Gradually, the diverse narratives converge, revealing Sebastian's love affair with a young Italian woman named Sasha, who had eloped with a handsome young man.

A Love Affair Doomed by Family Ties

As the story progresses, we learn about Sasha's domineering family and her feelings of guilt for leaving them behind. Sebastian agrees to drive her back to Northern Italy, only to discover her father is a mafia don with no intention of allowing their relationship to continue. They flee to Switzerland, where Sasha eventually vanishes, and Sebastian's life is threatened.

A New Life in the Servant's Quarters

Sebastian finds himself living alone in the cheap-to-rent old servant's quarters at the manor, feeling guilty for not having fought harder for his love. As the chapters alternate between the past and the present, the storylines begin to converge. Characters Sebastian meets in his new home help locate Sasha and devise a plan to reunite them.

The Great Escape and a Battle for Love

The narrative becomes a single thread, as Sebastian returns to Switzerland with new friends to stage "The Great Escape." Sasha is rescued from a secure clinic, and they return to England, hoping her mafia family won't find them. Their hope is short-lived, resulting in the ruined west wing and The Battle of Cooksely Manor. The book concludes with an epilogue written 40 years later, tying together the larger picture of their lives.

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