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A Refreshing Coastal Walk Around St Anthony Head, Cornwall

A Refreshing Coastal Walk Around St Anthony Head, Cornwall

Embrace the beauty of Cornwall on this circular walk featuring stunning views and abundant wildlife


Experience the perfect Cornish coastal walk at St Anthony Head, ideal for those seeking fresh air and a chance to escape the indoors. This gentle and easy-to-navigate route offers a delightful combination of seascapes, serene creeks, lush woodlands, and wildlife. Whether you're looking to explore the area during unpredictable spring showers or on a sunny day, this walk caters to all.

Getting to St Anthony Head

Located in the Roseland Peninsula, reaching St Anthony Head requires a journey through narrow lanes to the National Trust car park at Porth Farm, near Porth Creek. Alternatively, in the summer months, you can take the small ferry from St Mawes.

Starting the Walk at Towan Beach

Begin your walk at Porth Farm, crossing the lane to the footpath leading to Towan Beach. Here, you may spot seals resting on the rocks towards Killigerran Head. Climb the wooden post nearby for a fun challenge and a better vantage point for seal spotting.

Discovering Porthbeor Beach and Zone Point

Continue westward, and you'll soon arrive at the picturesque Porthbeor Beach, featuring golden sands and a tranquil atmosphere. As you proceed around Zone Point, you'll approach St Anthony Head, the walk's highlight.

Exploring St Anthony Head and its History

At St Anthony Head, you'll find a well-preserved gun emplacement, once crucial for the protection of Falmouth's port. An interpretation board provides insight into its history and operation. Enjoy panoramic views of Carrick Roads, Falmouth, and the Helford Passage.

The Lighthouse and Great Molunan

Descend the steps to the lighthouse and follow the path past two sandy coves towards the old pine stand at Great Molunan. Reflect on memories or simply appreciate the beauty of this area before continuing along the route.

Admiring St Mawes and Place House

As you leave the water's edge and cross a small hill, enjoy a full view of St Mawes. Next, you'll come across Place House, a neo-Gothic manor built in 1840 by Sir Samuel Spry on a former monastery site. The Place Quay lies nearby, along with a 13th-century church that you can visit.

The Muddy Path Along Percuil River

Prepare for a slightly muddy experience as you follow the path northeast along the shore of the Percuil River. Despite its slippery and zigzagging nature, this trail offers picturesque views as it leads to North-hill Point and Porth Creek.


Conclude your walk at the peaceful Porth Creek, having explored the beauty and history of St Anthony Head. This Cornish classic serves as the perfect remedy for those seeking an escape from being cooped up indoors.

Fact File

  • Basic Hike: Around St Anthony's Head, opposite Falmouth

  • Recommended map: Ordnance Survey Explorer 105 (Falmouth & Mevagissey)

  • Distance & Going: No real steeps, but very muddy in places

  • Food & Drink: Nearest options in Porthscatho, or catch the ferry to St Mawes in summer months

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