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Martin Hesp

Strange Landscapes 1 - Gozo

Strange Landscapes 1 - Gozo

Who doesn’t like strange landscapes? 

Some are just plain weird, others seem like outposts from another planet - and some can be somewhat depressing or unnerving while, at the same time, having the ability to awe, impress and shock. 

I was in a weird landscape one memorable day on the island of Gozo, just north of Malta. 

Indeed, it was one of the strangest landscapes I have ever cycled through. It didn’t take long to figure out that the flat tray areas hacked out of the soft coastal stone were salt-pans. Apparently, some of them are ancient. 

And I was delighted to discover some are still in use - indeed, I bought three bags of freshly made sea salt from a woman who was selling the stuff at a very reasonable price just under the cliffs. 

It’s good salt - I’m home now and using it in my cooking. And every time I take a pinch of it, I remember that strange, rocky landscape. 

Because that’s the thing about weird places - they can come back to haunt you.  

Guernsey walks

Guernsey walks

Magic of Mahon, Menorca

Magic of Mahon, Menorca