All tagged British Guild of Travel Writers

Savouring the Delights of the Isle of Man in Winter

An article first published in the Western Morning News and Western Daily Press allows you to discover the enchanting Isle of Man, a unique blend of familiar comforts and exotic allure. Located in the Irish Sea, this self-governing gem offers a fusion of Manx folklore, stunning natural beauty, and vibrant cultural heritage. Explore its mythical Fairy Bridge, marvel at the majestic Laxey Wheel, and traverse historic railways like the Manx Electric Railway. Perfect for those seeking an overseas adventure without leaving the UK, the Isle of Man promises a memorable holiday filled with scenic landscapes and rich history.

Newspaper column - staying on the Isle of Man in winter

A newspaper column about the unexpected beauty of the Isle of Man in winter. Discover the island's wild seas, scenic landscapes, and rich folklore. Experience the thrill of uncovering hidden gems in Britain, challenging misconceptions about familiar places. From the stormy seas of Douglas to the cultural richness of the UK, this piece inspires readers to embrace adventure close to home, revealing the Isle of Man's captivating charm beyond its famous motorbike races and tax haven reputation

British Guild of Travel Writers Visits The Isle of Man

In February the British Guild of Travel Writers held their annual meeting on the Isle of Man, exploring its rich history, stunning landscapes, and unique culinary scene. The trip highlighted the island's year-round appeal, Viking heritage, and warm local interactions, showcasing it as a captivating destination for travellers

Enjoying food in the Danish region of Kystlandet

Delve into the gastronomic wonders of the Danish region of Kystlandet, located around the town of Horsens in eastern Jutland. A blend of scenic coastal beauty, lush landscapes, and historical depth, the article recounts memorable dining experiences during a British Guild of Travel Writers visit. Highlights include a standout meal at Ji-Mi’s, curated by the talented chef Jimmy Jensen, and traditional homemade dishes at the renowned Dolly’s in Horsens. The article further explores Kystlandet's culinary offerings, from its fresh seafood, renowned dairy products, berry-infused desserts, unique rye bread to artisanal beverages. Kystlandet - a must-visit enclave for those seeking a Danish gastronomic experience beyond the typical tourist trails.